De Zingende Zag, Haarlem
In search of the magical origins of poetry, George Moormann asked modern and postmodern poets to take their magician's robes out of mothballs and write a poem that can be used as a helper or protector. Make it your own talisman in no time at all: all the poems are once again printed very small on a loose sheet. So that you can carry them cut out or torn out in the hem of your clothes or very conveniently, next to bank cards and credit cards, in your wallet. Happiness guaranteed!
Does poetry possess magical powers? In the brilliantly published collection The Lost Talisman, 37 poets go in search of an answer. (...) George Moormann asked fellow poets to write a ‘poem as talisman’. With the central question: can poetry protect, as incantations, amulets, mascots and talismans seem to be able to? And by extension, does poetry perhaps possess magical powers? In the poets' answers, love above all resonates. With differences in object - daughter, partner or humanity - and tone.
Ward Wijndelts, NRC Handelsblad, 28 June 2005
The Netherlands' most beautifully designed poetry series ..... almost the entire Dutch poet's platoon in new collection ...brilliant ... May Moormann keep De Zaag singing for a long time to come!
Haarlems Dagblad, 23 June 2005
Dazzling ... an alternative to the prevailing crush ... exceptionally fine work.
Jeroen Vullings, Vrij Nederland, 2 July 2005