Chosen wit Care / Inbetween publishers, 1996
'Care and Cultivation’ is the carefully chosen title of an exhibition with a very unusual publication.The delicate oeuvre ofJohan Clijsters draws an unstoppable and independent field of movement at every opportunity. Cautiously and above all modestly, the artist positions himself. The energy emerges from his drawings like a spiral and reproduces itself in the spectator's imagination. Ideas bubble up to build on Johan Clijsters' modes of imagination to connect with everyday use. Many applications impatiently await, jewellery, postage stamps, textile prints, ex-libris designs, stamps ... emerge. Undoubtedly, like a kind of tamulet or talisman, they offer protection against the withering of the culture-creating impulse in man.Other publications displayed by Johan Clijsters are: Book without Ink, 1994/95 and Recent Works, 1993/94. ‘Care and Cultivation ‘is part of the project series released under the title Vertellingen. a realisation of Brussels Praise and Chosen With Care.